30 minutes before Class
4 oz Gatorade Prime*
8 oz Gatorade*
4 Gatorade Chews* + water*
½ Clif Bar+ water*
60 minutes before class
Oatmeal made with milk + fruit
6oz Greek yogurt + fruit
Egg + toast
PB toast + fruit
*During exercise or classes for 1 hour or less, drink water*
When classes or exercise lasts longer than 1 hour
(Without fuel for exercise lasting longer than 1 hour you are slowing down your metabolism and increasing risk of injury.)
4oz Gatorade Prime* 4 Gatorade Chews*
½ Gatorade* ½ Orange Juice*
Snack Ideas after Classes or Exercise
Gatorade Recovery Shake 8oz* + water* Gatorade Recovery Beverage*
Naked Protein Zone smoothie + water* muscle milk 8oz* + water*
fruit + 8oz low-fat chocolate milk + water*
*You may visit the Pro Shop to purchase your products.

Five Ways NutriFormance Can Help You Navigate the Holiday Season
The holiday season is almost upon us and this time