- Types and Benefits of Fiber
- Helps to keep hunger and blood sugar in check
- Useful for weight loss because fiber has no calories but gives you the full feeling
- Soluble Fiber (dissolves in water)- helps lower glucose levels and cholesterol.
- Insoluble (doesn’t dissolve in water)- helps food move through your digestive system helping with regularity and preventing constipation.
- Where do I get fiber?
- Fiber is found only in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.
- Your meat milk and eggs do not contain fiber
- Fruits for fiber
- Blackberries (7.6 grams of fiber)
- Raisins (5.4 grams of fiber)
- Pear (5.1 grams of fiber)
- Apple and strawberries (3.3 grams of fiber)
- Vegetables/Beans/Legumes for fiber
- Peas (16.3 grams of fiber)
- Lentils (15.6 grams of fiber)
- Plain Baked Beans (10.4 grams of fiber)
- Winter squash (5.7 grams of fiber)
- Green beans (4.0 grams of fiber)
- Grains for fiber
- 100% all bran (8.8 grams of fiber)
- Shredded wheat (5.5 grams of fat)
- Oatmeal (4.0 grams of fiber
- Brown rice (3.5 grams of fiber)
- How much Fiber do I need?
- Aim for 25-35 grams/day. More is not better and can prevent absorption of nutrients.
- Tips for increasing fiber intake
- Eat a piece of fresh fruit instead of a fruit juice
- Use brown rice and whole grain products over white products such as white rice and white bread
- For breakfast eat foods with whole grain as their first ingredient
- Use raw vegetables as snack options over chips or candy
- Use beans or legumes in place of meat a couple times per week
- Fiber is found only in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.
Five Ways NutriFormance Can Help You Navigate the Holiday Season
The holiday season is almost upon us and this time