There are anti-inflammatory foods to help reduce post workout/training soreness
These foods possess properties that help reduce inflammation and soreness:
•salmon, sardines, walnuts, and ground flaxseed (all great sources of omega 3’s)
•broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bell pepper, and citrus fruits (which all contain vitamin C)
•sweet potato, carrots, pumpkin,spinach, and kale (all sources of carotenoids)
•berries, cherries, and purple/red grapes (rich in anthocyanins)
•apples, onions, tomatoes, deep colored lettuce, and apricots (sources of quercetin)
•grated ginger, which you can try adding to stir-fries, curries, soups, and sautéed vegetables

Five Ways NutriFormance Can Help You Navigate the Holiday Season
The holiday season is almost upon us and this time