Connie Burkhardt, "Big Fan of NutriFormance"

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connie burkhardt“As you may know, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in June. Before my diagnosis, I thought about the nutrition programs as something that would be important for training or for weight management.  In my case, Emily has made all the difference with managing my disease and with prescription management – who knew?
Immediately after my diagnosis, I started my research on RA and discovered that an anti-inflammatory diet could help me to manage the disease.  I asked Emily to set up my first meeting.  I gave her my list of medications and I kept a food/drink journal.   We discussed everything – the timing of my meds, the side effects, timing of my meals in light of my workouts and, of course, everything that I was cooking and eating out.  Emily had suggestions that I could implement as soon as I left her office.  At each meeting, she gave me a copy of notes from our conversation and it was never an overwhelming list.  Everything she suggested was do-able…and delicious!  I had always snagged the recipes Emily posted by the bulletin board, so we just took it to the next level.
While we were working on an anti-inflammatory focus in my meals, I was still grappling with side effects from the medications.  Emily even solved this!  My doctor loved it.  We looked at all of the medications and supplements I was scheduled to take each day.  She came up with a completely new breakfast plan for me and she recommended the times of day that would be optimal for the medications.  You can ask my husband – or Connie Hornburg! – this changed my post-RA life.  I could finally manage the medications, thanks to Emily.”

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