10. Diets don’t work. Even if you lose weight, you will lower your metabolism and gain the weight back. Potentially more than you lost.
9. Diets are expensive. If you didn’t buy diet products, you could save to put the money towards something that will actually make you feel good.
8. Diets are boring. People on diets talk and think about food and practically nothing else. There’s more to life.
7. Diets don’t necessarily improve your health. Like the weight loss, health improvement is temporary. Dieting can actually cause health problems.
6. Diets don’t make you beautiful. Very few people look like models. Glamor is a look, not a size.
5. Diets are not attractive. Take care of your body and mind. Feeling healthy makes you look your best.
4. Diets can turn into eating disorders. The obsession to be thin can lead to anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder or compulsive exercise.
3. Diets can make you afraid of food. Food nourishes and comforts us, and tastes good. Dieting can make food seem like your enemy. Do not deprive yourself.
2. Diets can rob you of energy. If you want to lead a full and active life, you need good nutrition, and enough food to meet your body’s needs.
#1 REASON Learning to love and accept yourself just as you are will give you self confidence, better health, and sense of well-being.
From the Council on Size & Weight Discrimination, Inc.

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