Yes, It’s almost March. Not only does that mean Spring Break is almost here and that there are only 14 weeks until pool season but it’s National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme, “Get Your Plate in Shape” Major take aways:Make half your plate vegetables and fruits. Eat on a 8″ salad plate and make sure half of your plate is fruits and vegetables, 1/4 is lean protein and 1/4 whole grain.Choose 100% whole grains. Look at the ingredients, not nutrition facts label, the ingredient list for whole grain. Consume less often enriched or refined. And, the best is a true whole intact grain like barley, brown rice, quinoa. Make the switch to fat-free or low fat milk. You receive the same nutrients but less fat and cholesterol. Caution on fat-free yogurts. Check the ingredients for added fillers to replace the flavor.Vary your protein choices. Give yourself the challenge of one time per week have a non meat protein choice for a meal beans or soy products.Reduce empty calories from solid fats and added sugars. We are what we eat. Empty calories means that we are receiving energy from calories but for those calories there is not a good nutrition value of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins or minerals. Cut back on sodium. Ideally consuming 2400mg or less daily. Check your nutrition facts labels for the amount of sodium in a canned soup or frozen entree. You will be shocked.Enjoy your food but eat less. Do not create myths about foods or give them power to make you feel guilty. Enjoy all foods in moderation. Where do we start with these healthy choices? In our own pantry, refrigerator(and the restaurants we eat at most often). So, open your pantry and ask yourself, “Is my food fit?”For more healthy tips visit The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Five Ways NutriFormance Can Help You Navigate the Holiday Season
The holiday season is almost upon us and this time