Caffeine may be readily available in many drinks, but it can still be dangerous. It is classified as a stimulant, which means that it fuels your central nervous system and increases your energy levels. In small doses, caffeine temporarily gives you pep in your step and it may elevate your mood. However, caffeine’s stimulating effects can quickly become adverse if you consume more caffeine than your body can tolerate. There are also other forms of stimulants to look for on energy drinks (guarana, tyrosine, kola nut, citrus aurantium). Here are four major signs that you should be cutting back.1. You drink more than 4 cups (more than about 400mg per day. Depending on how you brew your coffee some may have 95 milligrams per cup and some may have 200 mg per cup. Too much caffeine can result in side effects such as irritability, restlessness, rapid pulse, muscle tremors, and an upsetstomach.2. Small amounts make you jittery. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine as others. 3. You aren’t sleeping well. No amount of caffeine will recover a good night of sleep and in fact can further interrupt your sleep.4. Are having signs of dependency such as: headache, lethargy, muscle stiffness, nausea. My suggestion to help balance caffeine intake is to make sure that you are hydrating with non-caffeinated beverages such as water in the same amount of ounces as your caffeinated beverages. Many of the people you know probably drink coffee, tea, cola, and other caffeinated drinks on a regular basis. Caffeine seems pretty innocent since it’s so widely available. However, it’s important to keep in mind that caffeine is a drug and that there is such a thing as consuming too much. If you’re like most people, you can have a few cups of a caffeinated beverage per day without any problems. Still, you should be aware of some danger signs that you’ve gone overboard.

Five Ways NutriFormance Can Help You Navigate the Holiday Season
The holiday season is almost upon us and this time