It has made our hearts happy to bring you fitness ideas and nutrition tips each month! Even though we both call NutriFormance home, it’s become more and more difficult to manage our schedules to film, write and blog for Fitness ‘n Fuel. We hope that you will continue to follow us on Twitter @emilybaileyRD and @pilates4pros and of course @NutriFormance!
Make your heart happy with this month’s workout! Do 30 secs of each exercise resting for 1 min after each time through. Complete 3 rounds of the first circuit followed by 3 rounds of the second. Enjoy <3
Plank hold
Plyo lunge
Plank hold
Sumo squat jack
Plank hold
Air squats
Mountain climbers
Push ups
Mountain climbers
Alternating forward lunges
Mountain climbers

Five Ways NutriFormance Can Help You Navigate the Holiday Season
The holiday season is almost upon us and this time