February Heart Health Sample Meal Plan

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Breakfast: Power lentil wrap & fruit
1-6” tortilla
½ cup lentils, cooked (Trader Joe’s has precooked lentils in the produce section)
¼ cup raw spinach
Optional 1-2 scrambled eggs
Dash of Paprika, chili powder
2 Tbsp. fresh salsa
½ cup of berries
Snack: Greek yogurt w/honey & nuts
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp. honey
¼ cup chopped pecans and walnuts
Mix together and enjoy!
Lunch: Moroccan Farro& Lentil Soup (see recipe on the blog at www.NutriFormance.com )
½ cup cauliflower
¼ cup hummus
10 almonds
Dinner: Portabella mushroom stuffed with herbed chickpeas, veggies, & cashews (see recipe on the blog at www.NutriFormance.com )
Snack: Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwiches
2 tbsp. Peanut Butter (or other nut/seed butter), 1 medium banana, 1 slice whole grain bread.
For further questions or to schedule an appointment, contact Susan at susanc@NutriFormance.com.
You can find the recipes, tips, and meal plans as well as Team RD’s “How to” Video Series on www.NutriFormance.com blog.

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